Financial Planning


1.  Property strategies

Direct exposure to property can be an effective way of both increasing your returns and reducing risk in an investment portfolio.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

If you’re considering investing in direct property, either personally or through your Self Managed Super Funds, receiving independent advice to find the right property at the right price is vital to ensuring good returns over the long term.

With our advisers working alongside our finance department, we can provide you with the right financial advice, research the best loans and help you source suitable properties.

2.  SMSF strategies

Self-Managed Superannuation made easy…..Take control of your Super!

treeRunning a self managed superfund allows people to take control of the investments made by the Superfund. This gives people a sense of ownership of the money they have in Super. Investment options in Self Managed Super Funds are very broad and include; Term Deposits, Shares, Trusts, Residential Real Estate & Commercial Real Estate. Another option that is now available is borrowing money in your superfund to invest.

Do you wish to take control over how and where your superannuation funds are invested? Do you want to include up to four members of your family as members of the fund? Find out about the advantages/disadvantages of managing your own superannuation by talking to us.

3.  Risk & insurance

Have you ever considered the impact on your family or business if you suffered a serious accident or illness, became totally disabled or died prematurely? Insurance is an important risk management tool that can protect you, your family and your business from financial hardship caused by unplanned events.

Our advisers can assist you to identify your risks and provide advice on the following areas:

  • structuring an insurance package to maximise tax concessions and incorporating your cash flow young_treerequirements
  • recommending the most appropriate and affordable insurance package from top rating insurance providers
  • working with you to arrange insurance cover allowing for any existing medical conditions or non conforming employment arrangements
  • arranging insurance to meet the needs of business owners